Rising World - - Dedicated Server Linux 3.16.0-042stab136.1 Java 1.8.0_201 (amd64) Memory: 4772 MB 21.03.2019 20:26 ____________________________________________________ Start context... Items initialized! Plants initialized! NPCs initialized! Initialize Static Classes... Constructions initialized! Projectile-Definitions initialized! Weapon-Definitions initialized! Objects initialized! Clothing initialized! Picking initialized! Food-Definitions initialized! Storages initialized! Vehicles initialized! Crafting-Definitions initialized! Record-Definitions initialized! Initializing world (mysql) MySQL Connections: 10 LOAD WORLD Vergessenes Land DATABASE TYPE: MySQL CREATE WORLD STRUCTURE - DONE! 21.03.2019 20:26 z.a INFO: DatabaseTaskManager started with ThreadPoolSize 10 WORLDINFO Gamemode: Survival Gametype set to Survival WORLDINFO Seed: TEAMOMEGA WORLDINFO Caves: true WORLDINFO Vegetations: true WORLDINFO OreAmount: 3 WORLDINFO DisabledNPCs: WORLDINFO DisabledDungeons: WORLDINFO DisabledWaterSources: WORLDINFO Worldtype: Normal WORLDINFOS seed: TEAMOMEGA type: Normal caves: true vegetations: true oreamount: 3 startbiome: null disablednpc: [] disableddungeons: [] disabledwatersources: [] WORLDINFO Time: 22.1.12 22:7:3.039015 WORLDINFO Creationdate: 1523033624053 WORLDINFO Version: TRIGGER UPDATE Worldconverter: Updating not required WORLDINFO Spawninventory: 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WORLDINFO Spawnclothing: 5 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 2 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 0 (15ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - 0 (355ms) WORLDINFO Spawnposition: 1602.9434 44.381233 32.90287 WORLDINFO Spawnrotation: 4.9785976E-5 -0.9994409 0.03340374 0.001489598 Loading custom images... 20 images successfully loaded! INITIAL WEATHER Default 1188.0 504 chests loaded from DB! 194 texts loaded from DB! 57 Plants loaded from DB! 88 Furnaces loaded from DB! 18207 NPCs loaded from DB! 6 Vehicles loaded from DB! STARTING RISING WORLD SERVER... Server bind to IP: ***.***.***.***:4255 21.03.2019 20:26 JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4.255 Type:TCP Index:0 21.03.2019 20:26 JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4.256 Type:UDP Index:1 21.03.2019 20:26 JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4.256 Type:TCP Index:2 21.03.2019 20:26 JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4.257 Type:UDP Index:3 21.03.2019 20:26 JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4.257 Type:TCP Index:4 21.03.2019 20:26 JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4.258 Type:UDP Index:5 21.03.2019 20:26 JIW-Network INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4.258 Type:TCP Index:6 21.03.2019 20:26 I.g INFO: Default server permissions loaded successfully! Found 1 files in groups folder 21.03.2019 20:26 I.g INFO: Group "admin" permissions loaded successfully! 21.03.2019 20:26 io.netty.util.internal.MacAddressUtil WARNING: Failed to find a usable hardware address from the network interfaces; using random bytes: 3b:55:9c:27:73:f9:b2:9f RISING WORLD SERVER STARTED /srv/steam/risingworldserver/scripts - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml - /META-INF/maven/de.omegazirkel.risingworld/RisingMaps/pom.xml - /META-INF/maven/de.omegazirkel.risingworld/RisingMaps/pom.properties /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: Omega Zirkel Rising Maps Plugin * Version: 0.1.0 * Author: Maik 'Devidian' Laschober * Team: Omega Zirkel * Description: This Plugin allows to fetch raw map files from players and save them on the server * License: EMS * Website: coming soon ADD PLUGIN: 0 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: com.vms.RWGUI * Version: 0.5.0 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: A back-end plug-in providing some GUI ready-made controls for other plug-ins to use. * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 1 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: AnimalBreedMaster * Version: 0.81.1 * Author: Carsten * Description: A simple facility to keep and breed animals including a small reward system ADD PLUGIN: 2 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: com.vms.PlanksAndBeams * Version: 0.5.4 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: To provide players with non-standard planks and beams. * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 3 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml - /META-INF/maven/de.omegazirkel.risingworld/DiscordPlugin/pom.xml - /META-INF/maven/de.omegazirkel.risingworld/DiscordPlugin/pom.properties /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: Omega Zirkel - Discord Plugin * Version: 0.14.0 * Author: Maik 'Devidian' Laschober * Team: Omega Zirkel * Description: This Plugin can be used to display ingame chat in a Discord channel * License: N/A * Website: N/A ADD PLUGIN: 4 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: com.vms.GPS * Version: 1.4.0 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: To aid the player in world navigation and positioning. Allows to set a home point and up to 15 waypoints; displays current player position and optionally distance and radial to home/waypoint. * License: Creative Common by-sa * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 5 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml - /META-INF/maven/de.omegazirkel.risingworld/GlobalIntercom/pom.xml - /META-INF/maven/de.omegazirkel.risingworld/GlobalIntercom/pom.properties /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: Omega Zirkel Global Intercom Plugin * Version: 0.10.0 * Author: Maik 'Devidian' Laschober * Team: Omega Zirkel * Description: This Plugin enables chat between servers (Singleplayer too) * License: EMS * Website: coming soon ADD PLUGIN: 6 --PLUGIN CLASSLOADER EXISTS - /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - /resources/plugin.yml /////////////////////////////////////////////// * Plugin: org.miwarre.AreaProtection * Version: 1.0.7 * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre * Team: VistaMare Software * Description: Manages protection and permissions for world areas. * License: GNU General Public License ver. 3 or later * Website: http://www.vistamaresoft.com ADD PLUGIN: 7 [OZ.i18n] Loading language files from /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/RisingMaps/i18n' [OZ.i18n] Files found: 2 [OZ.i18n] loading: de.properties [OZ.i18n] loading: en.properties API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.omegazirkel.risingworld.RisingMaps [OZ.RM] RisingMaps Plugin settings loaded [OZ.RM] RisingMaps Plugin is enabled API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.rwgui.RWGui RWGui 0.5.0 enabled successfully! SQLite: /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/animalbreedmaster/data/abm_Vergessenes Land.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster API: REGISTER LISTENER class carsten.risingworld.abm.ABMChatNotification Planks 'n Beams 0.5.4 loaded successfully! API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.pnb.PlanksAndBeams [OZ.i18n] Loading language files from /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/DiscordPlugin/i18n' [OZ.i18n] Files found: 2 [OZ.i18n] loading: de.properties [OZ.i18n] loading: en.properties API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.omegazirkel.risingworld.DiscordWebHook [OZ.DP] Global Intercom found! ID: 6 [OZ.DP] DiscordPlugin Plugin settings loaded [OZ.DP] Will send chat to Discord: true [OZ.DP] Will send status to Discord: true [OZ.DP] Will send support tickets to Discord: true [OZ.DP] Sending welcome message on login is: true [OZ.Tools] Start WatchUpdates [OZ.Tools] register /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/DiscordPlugin [OZ.i18n] Loading language files from /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/DiscordPlugin/i18n' [OZ.i18n] Files found: 2 [OZ.i18n] loading: de.properties [OZ.i18n] loading: en.properties [OZ.DP] [JavaCordBot] DiscordBot is now running 2019-03-21 20:26:14.642+0100 INFO org.javacord.core.util.logging.ExceptionLoggerDelegateImpl No Log4j2 compatible logger was found. Using default Javacord implementation! [OZ.DP] DiscordPlugin Plugin is enabled SQLite: /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/gps/gps2-Vergessenes Land.db GPS 1.4.0 enabled successfully! API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.gps.Gps [OZ.i18n] Loading language files from /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/GlobalIntercom/i18n' [OZ.i18n] Files found: 4 [OZ.i18n] loading: de.properties [OZ.i18n] loading: en.properties [OZ.i18n] loading: ru.properties [OZ.i18n] loading: fr.properties API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.omegazirkel.risingworld.GlobalIntercom Plugin Omega Zirkel Global Intercom Plugin: Missing @EventMethod annotation for method isGIMessage [OZ.GI] GlobalIntercom Plugin settings loaded [OZ.GI] WebSocket connecting to wss://rw.gi.omega-zirkel.de/ws [OZ.GI] WebSocket connected! [OZ.GI] GlobalIntercom Plugin is enabled SQLite: /srv/steam/risingworldserver/plugins/ap/ap-Vergessenes Land.db API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.ListenerPlayer AREA PROTECTION 1.0.7 enabled successfully! Steam - Load native library: libsteam_api.so Filesize: 370330 bytes Steam - Load native library: libsteamworks4j.so Filesize: 256928 bytes Steam - Load native library: libsteamworks4j-server.so Filesize: 76320 bytes STEAM BIND TO 0 (), PORT 4255, 4259 MODE: Authentication SteamID: 76561197960265728 (0) 21.03.2019 20:26 server.Main WARNING: Input stream will be disabled! Query IP: Steam Query Server bind to ANY (4255) 21.03.2019 20:26: Steam Servers Connected (1440111943 -> [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2deb210d PORT:4255 / CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2da13c3e PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2c4e0bab PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3bff312c PORT:4258 CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 21.03.2019 20:26 G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 1 IP: PLAYER REQUEST AUTHENTICATION 1 [BeginAuthSession] 11957980 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 8, -8, -63, 11, 56, -22, 92, -36, -36, 118, -74, 0, 1, 0, 16, 1, -95, -29, -109, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -96, -74, -58, -80, 32, -78, -88, -64, 6, 26, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -36, 118, -74, 0, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 62, -75, -58, -80, 32, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, -67, -122, 92, -101, 108, -94, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, -43, 57, 48, -73, -123, 58, -76, 6, 114, -70, 26, 122, -43, 57, -117, 20, -22, -95, -28, -49, -93, 20, -67, -124, -32, 27, -94, -92, 111, 39, 109, -114, 7, -121, -123, 45, -49, 88, 92, -25, 46, -125, -54, 26, -120, 4, -75, -126, -59, 75, 23, 73, -5, -17, 52, -122, -123, 89, -55, -33, 15, 24, 122, -108, 94, -126, 108, 32, -41, -6, -54, 55, 17, -89, 123, 42, -7, -2, -126, 45, 118, 46, 57, 88, -119, 61, -123, 8, -15, 121, -99, -89, 30, 55, 54, 50, -6, -22, 6, 87, 49, 18, 87, -69, -15, 5, 74, 0, -31, -31, 100, -8, -53, -86, -69, 41, 80, 111, -119, 65, -35, 43, -89, -24, 69, 38, 56] Client 1 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage PLAYER CONNECT: Devidian LOADPLAYER: Devidian (76561197972223708) 21.03.2019 20:26: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000100b676dc - 110000100b676dc OK Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - 0 (160ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - -1 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - -1 (106ms) SERVER MAPTILE 26 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@6a404b86 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@71fa4ebf PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@529d4a2a PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7d439697 PORT:4258 CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 21.03.2019 20:27 G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 2 IP: PLAYER REQUEST AUTHENTICATION 2 [BeginAuthSession] 213462846 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -87, -110, 100, 89, -33, 112, 74, 52, 62, 47, -71, 12, 1, 0, 16, 1, 115, -33, -109, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -5, -68, -95, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 48, 24, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 62, 47, -71, 12, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 78, 45, -128, 80, 110, 2, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -37, 59, -114, 92, 91, -21, -87, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -67, 7, -47, 101, 114, 101, -48, -32, -53, 17, 10, 124, -34, 23, 100, -1, 57, 68, 78, -80, -87, -87, 51, -87, 75, 72, 63, 124, 124, 74, 50, -15, 102, -92, -57, 89, 54, 94, -16, -124, -109, 79, -4, -12, 48, -63, 114, 60, 49, 102, -124, -109, 87, 12, -88, 75, -9, 73, 114, -77, 2, 82, 114, 42, 11, -13, -128, 71, 104, -88, 58, -74, 87, 91, 101, 42, -7, 123, 100, 124, 32, 30, 35, -124, 58, -102, -12, -37, -34, -86, 127, 126, 119, -58, -72, 111, -95, 2, -18, -91, 13, -78, 114, -124, 94, -75, -90, 2, 93, -27, -116, -66, 42, -57, 40, -6, -40, 39, -6, -30, -14, 13, -124, -25, -87, -104, 45, -20] Client 2 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage PLAYER CONNECT: OGJams_Blog CREATEPLAYER: OGJams_Blog (76561198173728574) LOADPLAYER: OGJams_Blog (76561198173728574) CREATEINVENTORY: OGJams_Blog 21.03.2019 20:27: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010cb92f3e - 11000010cb92f3e OK [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2e0a90d1 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@2579ea38 PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@47b8581a PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@67aa9685 PORT:4258 CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 21.03.2019 20:27 G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 3 IP: PLAYER REQUEST AUTHENTICATION 3 [BeginAuthSession] 126462488 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 113, -114, -100, 111, 87, 101, 105, -46, 24, -86, -119, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, 100, -39, -109, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -14, 62, 101, -68, 127, 2, -88, -64, 67, 70, 17, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 24, -86, -119, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 45, 39, 7, -78, -36, 92, 55, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, -33, 97, -119, 92, 95, 17, -91, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -115, -24, -101, -68, -40, 14, 73, 57, -1, 19, -42, -82, -64, -118, -54, -80, -120, 38, -10, -122, -10, -20, -15, -26, -76, -55, -21, -21, 73, 30, 20, -76, 124, -28, -91, 6, -78, 79, 36, -50, -77, -96, 27, 102, 16, -46, -7, 104, -41, 107, 102, 111, 101, -81, -9, -48, 73, -51, 119, -8, 110, 101, -47, -76, -22, 0, -24, -81, 80, -27, 53, -53, 124, 75, 70, 118, 43, 70, -85, 66, 70, 92, -19, 31, -42, 96, -17, -40, 34, -35, 88, 44, 38, -73, 63, 94, 83, -4, -80, -1, 73, -95, -30, -95, 29, 46, -17, 121, 124, 48, -78, -43, 14, 70, -90, -94, 121, 39, -39, 87, 6, 63, 82, 53, 105, 20, -39, -96] Client 3 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage PLAYER CONNECT: Keiner-da CREATEPLAYER: Keiner-da (76561198086728216) LOADPLAYER: Keiner-da (76561198086728216) CREATEINVENTORY: Keiner-da 21.03.2019 20:27: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010789aa18 - 11000010789aa18 OK SERVER MAPTILE 32 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7c0a7cb6 PORT:4255 / CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3606fbe PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@59411d2a PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5f7c2ff PORT:4258 CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 21.03.2019 20:29 G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 4 IP: PLAYER REQUEST AUTHENTICATION 4 [BeginAuthSession] 301157659 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 39, 47, 97, 7, -47, -113, -81, -115, 27, 77, -13, 17, 1, 0, 16, 1, 106, -41, -109, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 31, -53, -40, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 8, -23, 74, 111, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 27, 77, -13, 17, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, -57, -53, -40, 62, 23, -78, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -72, -13, -122, 92, 56, -93, -94, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 127, 115, -14, -64, 95, -75, 93, -87, -23, -88, -45, 105, -32, -108, -70, -42, -77, -41, 90, -20, 9, -111, -90, -102, -24, 26, 33, 87, -14, 100, 12, -110, 5, -115, 95, -67, 64, 81, 13, -47, -46, 15, -121, 99, -50, -57, 60, -42, 47, -105, -81, 101, -109, 43, 44, -116, 124, 6, -107, -37, 1, 103, -30, 2, 72, -71, -25, 71, -114, -34, -5, 15, -113, -66, -46, 65, -82, 10, 92, -26, 62, 97, 100, -87, 54, -38, 31, 11, -21, 32, -92, -107, 64, -79, -119, 80, 83, -88, 100, -76, 42, -93, -99, -43, 108, -22, -35, -121, -49, 109, -25, -96, -111, -97, 76, -55, -9, -118, 125, 25, 34, -115, -26, 17, 45, 2, -101, -43] Client 4 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage PLAYER CONNECT: Vanilla LOADPLAYER: Vanilla (76561198261423387) SERVER MAPTILE 31 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! 21.03.2019 20:29: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000111f34d1b - 110000111f34d1b OK SERVER MAPTILE 31 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 1 - -1 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 2 - -1 (124ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: 1 - 0 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 2 - 0 (126ms) SERVER MAPTILE 32 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 33 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 30 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SERVER MAPTILE 29 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -1 (297ms) SERVER MAPTILE 27 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SERVER MAPTILE 26 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 20 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiMainMenu SERVER MAPTILE 21 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9c851322 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@760b21ae SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@382d177c API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMainMenu - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiAreaEdit SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5967eecf SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@5967eecf API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiAreaEdit - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiPlayersEdit API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiPlayersEdit - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiTwoListsSelector SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 4 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a67fd206 ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiTwoListsSelector - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiPlayersEdit API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiPlayersEdit - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiTwoListsSelector ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiTwoListsSelector - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiPlayersEdit API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiPlayersEdit - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiAreaEdit API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiAreaEdit - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent API: REGISTER LISTENER class org.miwarre.ap.GuiMainMenu API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GuiMainMenu - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.gps.GpsGUI SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9c851322 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@382d177c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@760b21ae SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 5 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1ab6230e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9c851322 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@382d177c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 6 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2e3fd211 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@760b21ae SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 7 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ea41dce2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 5 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1ab6230e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 8 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8181327d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 9 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2fd5af7c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 6 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2e3fd211 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 7 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ea41dce2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 8 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8181327d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 9 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2fd5af7c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 10 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@663ba7a3 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 12 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@99c5fb9d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 10 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@663ba7a3 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 12 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@99c5fb9d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 13 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a9d0b0c5 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 14 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@11a11930 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 15 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9a1acd6c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 13 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a9d0b0c5 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 14 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@11a11930 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 15 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9a1acd6c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 16 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@eb28de75 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 16 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@eb28de75 SERVER MAPTILE 18 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GpsGUI - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 20 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 18 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! NPC (ID: 662) deleted! SERVER MAPTILE 18 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SERVER MAPTILE 15 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 14 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 0 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 1 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 2 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 10 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 10 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 10 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 10 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 10 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 10 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 9 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - -1 (2ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -1 (142ms) Worldpart generating... Biomepart generating... Loaded Biomepart from cache: -1 - 0 (4ms) Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - 0 (177ms) SERVER MAPTILE 5 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 10 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 4 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 7 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Furnace 103 has no fuel SERVER MAPTILE 22 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 2 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 2 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (7, 3) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! clear temporary voxel maps SERVER MAPTILE -1 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! Furnace 18 has no fuel clear temporary lod maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 6) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SERVER MAPTILE 1 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -1 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 0 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -2 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -1 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 0 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -2 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -2 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -1 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 0 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -2 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -1 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 0 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -2 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -1 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 0 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -11 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -11 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -11 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -11 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -11 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (5, 4) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SERVER MAPTILE 46 0 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 46 -2 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 -1 UPLOAD FROM Vanilla COMPLETED! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -11 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -12 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -12 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -12 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -12 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -12 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -12 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -11 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -13 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -13 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -13 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -13 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -13 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -13 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -14 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -14 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -14 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -14 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -14 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -15 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -15 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -15 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -15 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -14 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -13 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -12 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -15 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -1 - -2 (122ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - -2 (163ms) SERVER MAPTILE 0 -16 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -16 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -16 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -15 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -16 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -16 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (4, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -16 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -17 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -17 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -17 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -17 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -17 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -17 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -16 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -15 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 3 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 1 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) SERVER MAPTILE -2 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -24 UPLOAD FROM OGJams_Blog COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Furnace 97 has no fuel SERVER MAPTILE 1 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 2 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -2 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -1 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 0 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Chest (661) deleted from DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary lod maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! Chest (1521) deleted from DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -3 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -26 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -24 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -23 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -22 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -21 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -20 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -19 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -5 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE -4 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -25 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -18 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@3df37954 - 4 - 3 21.03.2019 21:05 G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 4 [EndAuthSession] 301157659 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: null - 4 - 3 21.03.2019 21:05 G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 4 [EndAuthSession] 301157659 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 4 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ServersideNpc: Npc 'sheep' transforms to 'sheepshorn' clear temporary voxel maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 8 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ServersideNpc: Npc 'sheep' transforms to 'sheepshorn' SERVER MAPTILE 8 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -4 UPLOAD FROM OGJams_Blog COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 5 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 6 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 7 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 8 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 9 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! NPC (ID: 22032) deleted! SERVER MAPTILE 10 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! NPC (ID: 20859) deleted! SERVER MAPTILE 11 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 11 -3 UPLOAD FROM OGJams_Blog COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 16 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 12 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 13 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 13 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 14 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 15 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! NPC (ID: 23401) deleted! NPC (ID: 23405) deleted! NPC (ID: 23404) deleted! NPC (ID: 23403) deleted! NPC (ID: 23406) deleted! NPC (ID: 23402) deleted! NPC (ID: 23408) deleted! NPC (ID: 23407) deleted! NPC (ID: 23409) deleted! NPC (ID: 23410) deleted! NPC (ID: 23412) deleted! NPC (ID: 23411) deleted! NPC (ID: 23413) deleted! NPC (ID: 23414) deleted! NPC (ID: 23418) deleted! NPC (ID: 23419) deleted! NPC (ID: 23416) deleted! NPC (ID: 23415) deleted! NPC (ID: 23420) deleted! NPC (ID: 23425) deleted! NPC (ID: 23422) deleted! NPC (ID: 23424) deleted! NPC (ID: 23427) deleted! NPC (ID: 23423) deleted! NPC (ID: 23421) deleted! NPC (ID: 23426) deleted! NPC (ID: 23428) deleted! NPC (ID: 23429) deleted! NPC (ID: 23431) deleted! NPC (ID: 23433) deleted! NPC (ID: 23432) deleted! NPC (ID: 23417) deleted! NPC (ID: 23434) deleted! NPC (ID: 23436) deleted! NPC (ID: 23437) deleted! NPC (ID: 23430) deleted! NPC (ID: 23438) deleted! NPC (ID: 23440) deleted! NPC (ID: 23439) deleted! NPC (ID: 23444) deleted! NPC (ID: 23443) deleted! NPC (ID: 23445) deleted! NPC (ID: 23442) deleted! NPC (ID: 23441) deleted! NPC (ID: 23446) deleted! NPC (ID: 23448) deleted! NPC (ID: 23447) deleted! NPC (ID: 23450) deleted! NPC (ID: 23454) deleted! NPC (ID: 23455) deleted! NPC (ID: 23451) deleted! NPC (ID: 23453) deleted! NPC (ID: 23452) deleted! NPC (ID: 23449) deleted! NPC (ID: 23457) deleted! NPC (ID: 23456) deleted! NPC (ID: 23459) deleted! NPC (ID: 23460) deleted! NPC (ID: 23458) deleted! NPC (ID: 23435) deleted! NPC (ID: 23469) deleted! NPC (ID: 23470) deleted! NPC (ID: 23472) deleted! NPC (ID: 23468) deleted! NPC (ID: 23473) deleted! NPC (ID: 23471) deleted! NPC (ID: 23476) deleted! NPC (ID: 23475) deleted! NPC (ID: 23474) deleted! NPC (ID: 23478) deleted! NPC (ID: 23477) deleted! NPC (ID: 23488) deleted! NPC (ID: 23490) deleted! NPC (ID: 23489) deleted! NPC (ID: 23491) deleted! NPC (ID: 23494) deleted! NPC (ID: 23487) deleted! NPC (ID: 23492) deleted! NPC (ID: 23486) deleted! NPC (ID: 23493) deleted! NPC (ID: 23496) deleted! NPC (ID: 23495) deleted! NPC (ID: 23515) deleted! NPC (ID: 23514) deleted! NPC (ID: 23517) deleted! NPC (ID: 23513) deleted! NPC (ID: 23521) deleted! NPC (ID: 23518) deleted! NPC (ID: 23519) deleted! NPC (ID: 23516) deleted! NPC (ID: 23520) deleted! NPC (ID: 23524) deleted! NPC (ID: 23523) deleted! NPC (ID: 23522) deleted! NPC (ID: 23526) deleted! NPC (ID: 23528) deleted! NPC (ID: 23529) deleted! NPC (ID: 23531) deleted! NPC (ID: 23525) deleted! NPC (ID: 23530) deleted! NPC (ID: 23533) deleted! NPC (ID: 23527) deleted! NPC (ID: 23534) deleted! NPC (ID: 23540) deleted! NPC (ID: 23539) deleted! NPC (ID: 23537) deleted! NPC (ID: 23536) deleted! NPC (ID: 23538) deleted! NPC (ID: 23535) deleted! NPC (ID: 23541) deleted! NPC (ID: 23532) deleted! NPC (ID: 23542) deleted! NPC (ID: 23549) deleted! NPC (ID: 23545) deleted! NPC (ID: 23543) deleted! NPC (ID: 23548) deleted! NPC (ID: 23546) deleted! NPC (ID: 23547) deleted! NPC (ID: 23550) deleted! NPC (ID: 23544) deleted! NPC (ID: 23551) deleted! NPC (ID: 23556) deleted! NPC (ID: 23558) deleted! NPC (ID: 23552) deleted! NPC (ID: 23554) deleted! NPC (ID: 23555) deleted! NPC (ID: 23557) deleted! NPC (ID: 23559) deleted! NPC (ID: 23560) deleted! NPC (ID: 23553) deleted! NPC (ID: 23561) deleted! NPC (ID: 23564) deleted! NPC (ID: 23565) deleted! NPC (ID: 23562) deleted! NPC (ID: 23563) deleted! NPC (ID: 23567) deleted! NPC (ID: 23568) deleted! NPC (ID: 23566) deleted! NPC (ID: 23573) deleted! NPC (ID: 23571) deleted! NPC (ID: 23572) deleted! NPC (ID: 23570) deleted! NPC (ID: 23579) deleted! NPC (ID: 23575) deleted! NPC (ID: 23576) deleted! NPC (ID: 23569) deleted! NPC (ID: 23581) deleted! NPC (ID: 23586) deleted! NPC (ID: 23588) deleted! NPC (ID: 23583) deleted! NPC (ID: 23589) deleted! NPC (ID: 23590) deleted! NPC (ID: 23598) deleted! NPC (ID: 23597) deleted! NPC (ID: 23600) deleted! NPC (ID: 23599) deleted! NPC (ID: 23594) deleted! NPC (ID: 23595) deleted! NPC (ID: 23601) deleted! NPC (ID: 23596) deleted! NPC (ID: 23603) deleted! NPC (ID: 23605) deleted! NPC (ID: 23608) deleted! NPC (ID: 23611) deleted! NPC (ID: 23613) deleted! NPC (ID: 23612) deleted! NPC (ID: 23610) deleted! NPC (ID: 23607) deleted! NPC (ID: 23606) deleted! NPC (ID: 23616) deleted! NPC (ID: 23615) deleted! NPC (ID: 23619) deleted! NPC (ID: 23614) deleted! NPC (ID: 23617) deleted! NPC (ID: 23618) deleted! NPC (ID: 23621) deleted! NPC (ID: 23622) deleted! NPC (ID: 23628) deleted! NPC (ID: 23632) deleted! NPC (ID: 23626) deleted! NPC (ID: 23630) deleted! NPC (ID: 23623) deleted! NPC (ID: 23620) deleted! NPC (ID: 23624) deleted! NPC (ID: 23633) deleted! NPC (ID: 23637) deleted! NPC (ID: 23641) deleted! NPC (ID: 23638) deleted! NPC (ID: 23639) deleted! NPC (ID: 23640) deleted! NPC (ID: 23636) deleted! NPC (ID: 23634) deleted! NPC (ID: 23644) deleted! NPC (ID: 23645) deleted! NPC (ID: 23647) deleted! NPC (ID: 23648) deleted! NPC (ID: 23646) deleted! NPC (ID: 23649) deleted! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 17 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 18 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 22 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 23 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 19 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 20 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 21 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@3a344baa PORT:4255 / CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4f88ba8c PORT:4256 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@5145c5c6 PORT:4257 [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1346209d PORT:4258 CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected 21.03.2019 21:28 G.f INFO: Client Connected ID: 5 IP: PLAYER REQUEST AUTHENTICATION 5 [BeginAuthSession] 126090192 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 103, 83, -112, 38, -111, -99, 91, 2, -48, -5, -125, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, 62, -13, -109, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 78, -12, 99, -39, 0, 0, 0, 0, -18, 86, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -48, -5, -125, 7, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 107, -16, 91, 95, 13, 0, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, -38, -116, 92, -43, -119, -88, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, -3, -52, 80, -9, 8, 120, -59, -3, -112, 117, 59, 2, 69, 45, 33, 39, 23, -98, 48, 89, -84, -89, -4, -72, -20, 16, -5, -42, 105, -98, -88, -99, 16, 98, 113, 79, -28, 69, 122, 120, -111, 59, -22, 21, 106, -92, 42, 49, 99, 122, 113, -97, 67, -15, -39, -32, 35, -77, 18, -47, -41, 51, 81, -42, -63, 27, 6, -120, 26, -96, 23, -91, 53, -16, -92, -2, -40, 29, -110, -11, -114, -108, -113, 36, 54, 117, -127, -33, 55, 117, 59, -101, -96, -63, 45, -85, -20, -102, -120, 44, -124, 124, -19, 46, 20, -89, 85, 15, -93, -79, 71, 45, -10, -120, -57, -102, 105, 45, -102, 117, -86, -118, -60, -114, -29, -34, -33] Client 5 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage PLAYER CONNECT: Monkvalley CREATEPLAYER: Monkvalley (76561198086355920) LOADPLAYER: Monkvalley (76561198086355920) CREATEINVENTORY: Monkvalley 21.03.2019 21:28: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010783fbd0 - 11000010783fbd0 OK SERVER MAPTILE 27 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 24 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 25 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ccat: newstatus 0 (0) SERVER MAPTILE 29 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 27 -7 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! NPC (ID: 23115) deleted! SERVER MAPTILE 28 -7 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 29 -7 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 -7 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 31 -7 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! NPC (ID: 19997) deleted! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 26 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 26 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! NPC (ID: 23116) deleted! Updated 1 vehicles... NPC (ID: 23114) deleted! Updated 1 vehicles... Updated 1 vehicles... Updated 1 vehicles... Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 29 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 30 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Updated 1 vehicles... ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 35 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 37 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 39 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 41 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 40 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 42 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! remove item by group treelog x7 - remove treelogspruce x7 - remove treelogbirch x7 - remove treelogwillow x3 - - count is null, return SERVER MAPTILE 41 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 43 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 41 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 47 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 49 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -7 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! NPC (ID: 21490) deleted! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 48 6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 32 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 51 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 51 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 51 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 51 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 51 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 52 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 52 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 52 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 52 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 52 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 51 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 52 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 53 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 53 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 53 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 53 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 53 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 53 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 54 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 54 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 54 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 54 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 54 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 51 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 52 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 53 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 54 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 51 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 52 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! Updated 1 vehicles... SERVER MAPTILE 55 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 55 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 55 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 55 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 55 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 51 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 52 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 53 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 33 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 54 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -7 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -6 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -5 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -4 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -3 UPLOAD FROM Devidian COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 23112) deleted! NPC (ID: 23113) deleted! SERVER MAPTILE 55 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 56 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 56 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 56 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 56 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 56 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! NPC (ID: 23111) deleted! SERVER MAPTILE 56 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 57 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 57 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 57 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 57 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 57 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! NPC (ID: 23110) deleted! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 3 - -1 (174ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 3 - 0 (158ms) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (3, 3) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 57 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 58 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 58 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 58 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 58 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 58 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 59 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 59 0 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 59 1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 59 2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 59 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 55 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 56 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 57 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 58 3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 55 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps clear temporary lod maps ... (4, 3) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 54 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 56 4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 53 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 54 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 55 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 56 5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -2 - -1 (126ms) Worldpart generating... Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: -2 - 0 (164ms) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 49 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 2) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps SERVER MAPTILE 47 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! clear temporary lod maps SERVER MAPTILE 46 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 50 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (4, 4) Chunks saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ServersideNpc: Npc 'sheep' transforms to 'sheepshorn' ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 50 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 45 -1 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 46 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 47 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 48 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 49 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! Server: Player SpawnPoint set to -1177.1364 61.487167 -89.18847 (Primary: true) SERVER MAPTILE 44 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 -2 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -4 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -3 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2, 1) Chunks saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 44 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 44 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 43 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (3) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! SERVER MAPTILE 40 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 41 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 42 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 38 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 39 -10 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -9 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 37 -8 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 -7 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 36 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! [OZ.GI] New BC Message from Devidian SERVER MAPTILE 35 -6 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 35 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! SERVER MAPTILE 34 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! API: REGISTER LISTENER class com.vistamaresoft.gps.GpsGUI SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 5 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@1ab6230e SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 6 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2e3fd211 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 7 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ea41dce2 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 8 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@8181327d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 9 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@2fd5af7c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 10 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@663ba7a3 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 12 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@99c5fb9d SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 13 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@a9d0b0c5 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 14 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@11a11930 SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 15 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@9a1acd6c SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 16 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@eb28de75 SERVER MAPTILE 33 -5 UPLOAD FROM Keiner-da COMPLETED! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@580bc30a - 5 - 3 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / 21.03.2019 21:46 G.f INFO: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / Delete Client ID: 5 [EndAuthSession] 126090192 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / SERVER MAPTILE 34 -3 UPLOAD FROM OGJams_Blog COMPLETED! API: UNREGISTER LISTENER GpsGUI - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiInputEvent ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (6, 3) Chunks saved to DB! clear temporary voxel maps ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 3 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@449f5cff - 3 - 2 21.03.2019 21:48[TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 3 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [EndAuthSession] 126462488 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 2 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@72fada56 - 2 - 1 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / 21.03.2019 21:48 G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 2 [EndAuthSession] 213462846 ... (8, 4) Chunks saved to DB! [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 1 (1) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ccat: newstatus 0 (0) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@7ad38fb8 - 1 - 0 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / 21.03.2019 21:58 G.f INFO: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / Delete Client ID: 1 [EndAuthSession] 11957980 CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> Disconnecting CLIENT 1 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected REMOVE: null - 1 - 0 21.03.2019 21:58 G.f INFO: Delete Client ID: 1 [EndAuthSession] 11957980 [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] / java.sql.SQLException: (conn=50684) Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.get(ExceptionMapper.java:198) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.getException(ExceptionMapper.java:110) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeExceptionEpilogue(MariaDbStatement.java:228) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:334) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.execute(MariaDbStatement.java:386) at y.h.b(SourceFile:41) at B.h.b(SourceFile:49) at D.C.execute(SourceFile:35) at z.b.run(SourceFile:24) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction Query is: UPDATE WorldInfos SET `Key` = 'Time', `Value` = '23.1.12 17:20:1.3381078' WHERE `Key` = 'Time' at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.LogQueryTool.exceptionWithQuery(LogQueryTool.java:119) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.protocol.AbstractQueryProtocol.executeQuery(AbstractQueryProtocol.java:200) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:328) ... 5 more java.sql.SQLException: (conn=50685) Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.get(ExceptionMapper.java:198) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.getException(ExceptionMapper.java:110) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeExceptionEpilogue(MariaDbStatement.java:228) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:334) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.execute(MariaDbStatement.java:386) at y.h.b(SourceFile:41) at B.h.b(SourceFile:49) at D.C.execute(SourceFile:35) at z.b.run(SourceFile:24) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction Query is: UPDATE WorldInfos SET `Key` = 'Time', `Value` = '23.1.12 17:17:3.339646' WHERE `Key` = 'Time' at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.LogQueryTool.exceptionWithQuery(LogQueryTool.java:119) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.protocol.AbstractQueryProtocol.executeQuery(AbstractQueryProtocol.java:200) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:328) ... 5 more java.sql.SQLException: (conn=50682) Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.get(ExceptionMapper.java:198) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.getException(ExceptionMapper.java:110) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeExceptionEpilogue(MariaDbStatement.java:228) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:334) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.execute(MariaDbStatement.java:386) at y.h.b(SourceFile:41) at B.h.b(SourceFile:49) at D.C.execute(SourceFile:35) at z.b.run(SourceFile:24) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction Query is: UPDATE WorldInfos SET `Key` = 'Time', `Value` = '23.1.12 17:15:0.33805728' WHERE `Key` = 'Time' at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.LogQueryTool.exceptionWithQuery(LogQueryTool.java:119) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.protocol.AbstractQueryProtocol.executeQuery(AbstractQueryProtocol.java:200) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:328) ... 5 more ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! java.io.IOException: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) java.io.IOException: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) java.io.IOException: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) java.io.IOException: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! java.io.IOException: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! java.sql.SQLException: (conn=50680) Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.get(ExceptionMapper.java:198) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.getException(ExceptionMapper.java:110) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeExceptionEpilogue(MariaDbStatement.java:228) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:334) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.execute(MariaDbStatement.java:386) at y.h.b(SourceFile:41) at B.h.b(SourceFile:49) at D.C.execute(SourceFile:35) at z.b.run(SourceFile:24) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction Query is: UPDATE WorldInfos SET `Key` = 'Time', `Value` = '24.1.12 5:13:3.5354698' WHERE `Key` = 'Time' at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.LogQueryTool.exceptionWithQuery(LogQueryTool.java:119) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.protocol.AbstractQueryProtocol.executeQuery(AbstractQueryProtocol.java:200) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:328) ... 5 more java.sql.SQLException: (conn=50686) Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.get(ExceptionMapper.java:198) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionMapper.getException(ExceptionMapper.java:110) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeExceptionEpilogue(MariaDbStatement.java:228) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:334) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.execute(MariaDbStatement.java:386) at y.h.b(SourceFile:41) at B.h.b(SourceFile:49) at D.C.execute(SourceFile:35) at z.b.run(SourceFile:24) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction Query is: UPDATE WorldInfos SET `Key` = 'Time', `Value` = '24.1.12 5:16:1.5371889' WHERE `Key` = 'Time' at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.LogQueryTool.exceptionWithQuery(LogQueryTool.java:119) at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.protocol.AbstractQueryProtocol.executeQuery(AbstractQueryProtocol.java:200) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbStatement.java:328) ... 5 more ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! java.io.IOException: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB! java.io.IOException: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.read0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read(SocketDispatcher.java:39) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.readIntoNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:223) at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.read(IOUtil.java:192) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.read(SocketChannelImpl.java:380) at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes(PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.java:288) at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(AbstractByteBuf.java:1106) at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doReadBytes(NioSocketChannel.java:343) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:123) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:645) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:580) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:497) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:459) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858) at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:138) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)